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Data Privacy at the technical layer

Protect & manage access to customer data across your entire infrastructure.

Thornan open source, data privacy vault that uses encryption, tokenisation, audit logging & configurable access control to meet security & privacy requirements.

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Key Features

Subrose offers a comprehensive set of features designed to support privacy-first development.

End-to-End Encryption

Plug and play encryption that ensures sensitive data is secure in-flight and at rest

Data Anonymization

Mask, tokenise and obfuscate data based on permissions and roles

Data Minimization

Built in stategies to collect and retain only the minimum amount of data necessary, reducing the potential risk of data breaches and privacy violations.

Secure Data Storage

Configurable programmatic policies allow you to customise your data privacy strategy to meet any requirement

Audit everything

Who? Accessed What? When? Comprehensive audit logs for every operation.

Run anywhere

On prem, cloud, the server in your basement, no strings attached.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to common queries about Subrose and its privacy-first approach.

  • What can Thorn do?

    Thorn allows you to manage customer data in a secure and compliant manner through a simple API

  • How does it work?

    Interactions with Thorn are all done through REST API calls to write and retrieve data and configure data access policies.

  • Where does it run?

    Anywhere! No restrictions, Thorn is open source and you are free to run the binary anywhere

  • What does it cost?

    Thorn is free to use forever and will remain open source, future add-ons or enterprise features might be paid

  • How do I get started?

    Check out the documentation and the github repo below to get started

  • Do you offer support?

    Of course! We offer support for Thorn through Github & Slack, if you need more dedicated support, please reach out to us

Unlock Privacy Potential

Discover how Subrose can help you build products that prioritize privacy, earning user trust and staying ahead in the market.

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